Monday, 20 May 2019

What Is Sports?

v      Sport  is all forms of usually competitive physical activity which, through casual or organised participation, aim to use, maintain or improve physical ability and skills while providing entertainment to participants, and in some cases, spectators.

Definition According to GAISF
The Global Association of International Sports Federations (GAISF) (previously SportAccord) is the umbrella organization for all international sports federations, and has developed a definition of sport to determine whether an applicant federation qualifies as an international sports federation. The GAISF's definition of sport is as follows:

·         The sport proposed should include an element of competition.
·         The sport should not rely on any element of "luck" specifically integrated into the sport.
·         The sport should not be judged to pose an undue risk to the health and safety of its athletes or participants.
·         The sport proposed should in no way be harmful to any living creature.
·         The sport should not rely on equipment that is provided by a single supplier.
The Encyclopedia of World Sport
When collating all the world sports for the publication 'Encyclopedia of World Sport - from ancient times to the present' (Oxford University Press, 1999), the editors based their inclusion criteria on the following definition:

An activity can be considered a sport if it involves ...

competition between two or more individuals or teams;
rules of play that allow a winner to be determined;
a primary goal of victory;
victory determined by the relative physical ability of the competitors, although strategy and chance may also play a role.
Other Definitions
Here are some other definitions found online:

"An activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others" (Google Search)

“a human activity capable of achieving a result requiring physical exertion and/or physical skill, which, by its nature and organization, is competitive and is generally accepted as being a sport.” (Australian Sports Commission, ASC)

"An activity involving physical exertion and skill that is governed by a set of rules or customs and often undertaken competitively" (Free Dictionary online)

Casper playing minigolf at the Wembley golf course Mini-Golf is a lot of fun, but is it a sport?
Our Sport Criteria
Incorporating many of the common elements of the above definitions, we have simplified them into these three basic criteria that a sport must have, and have used this criteria for inclusion in our complete list of sports.

A sport is ...
a human activity involving physical skill and exertion.
governed by a set of rules or customs.
undertaken competitively and capable of achieving a result.
What makes the list and what does not
There are many activities that are commonly debated whether they are sports, such as fishing, dancing, cheerleading, golf, equestrian, motorsports, pole dancing. Based on the above criteria, are these sports? Let's look a little closer at them.

The examples of golf and cheerleading easily fit the definition of sports when in the competitive form. Fishing and dancing for most people is a pastime and not a sport, but there are structured competitions with these activities which make it a sport in that form. In the case of equestrian and motorsports, there is physical exertion by the riders, but the horse and car are primarily doing the work. On the other hand, there is plenty of skill involved and it ticks all the other boxes.

There will always be activities that are borderline and debatable whether they are sports or not. In that case, maybe the final defining point should be as per the definition by the Australian Sports Commission — it is a sport if it is ... "generally accepted as being a sport".

Why Is Important For Sports In Daily Life?

Importance of Sports in Our Life – 4 Essays

Importance of Sports in Our Life – Essay 1.
Sports are a very important part of our life. It is in fact the most technical part in giving us our identity. In this day and age, many people have earned themselves titles and awards owing from their performance in different levels of international sports.
Sports helps build talent and hobbies so that the people can be better at delivering them for personal and professional purposes.
Sports also serve as a good leisure activity meant to relieve one from physical and emotional stress hence a healthy living.
Sports are a country’s brand. Different countries have been known for particular sports like for instance the Republic of India is known for cricket, Brazil for football and Kenya for athletics. Sports are in this way a special kind of signature and this helps in the preservation of the culture of that country.
By Mary (2019)

Importance of Sports in Our Life – Essay 2.
Taking part in various sports activities is important in ensuring that one is able to reap the benefits that come with it. There are various sports activities that one can take part in to ensure that they are able to lead healthier and more active lives.
·         Importance of sports
Sports help to reduce the levels of stress. They help one to deviate away from other things that nay be stressing them in life they are able to focus on having fun playing their favorite sport for some time.
Sports also help towards the development of a healthier body. This is because playing offers some form of exercise as it is a physical activity.
Taking part in sports also helps one to gain more toned muscles and healthier bones. This helps one to reduce complications that are associated with weak muscles and bones.
Sports also help in improving one’s cooperation skills. Most of the sports activities involve on becoming part of a team which requires one to cooperate to ensure the success of their team.
Sports also help to improve the levels of sleep. The physical activity involved enables one to get a good rest and sleep which is important towards developing a healthier body.
·         Conclusion
Taking part in sports is beneficial to everyone. It is important for one to ensure that they become actively and regularly involved at least in one sport to ensure that they are both physically and mentally fit.
By Mary (2019)

Importance of Sports in Student Life- Essay 3.
Sports refer to activities that constitute the exertion of physical energy as well as skill. In sports, an individual is expected to challenge another person or a team challenging another team. One team is always expected to win, mostly the better one. The main goal of sports is entertainment.
·         Importance of sports in education
Sports provide entertainment and in this way provide a distraction therefore taking people from the worries of the world momentarily.
It also brings people together irrespective of their ethnic backgrounds or age. In times of sports, people come together for the purpose of fun and enjoyment.
Sports open the mind of students to being susceptible to new ideas. Students consciously or unconsciously let go of mental hurdles and are open to learning.
Sports provide mental and physical therapy for learners and rejuvenate them in these parameters so that they can be in the best mental and physical position to be educated.
It serves as a means through which teachers and students can bond. Normally there is tension in the teacher-student relationship. Sports ease this tension and make their interaction friendly.
It also fosters the spirit of competition among learners and enhances the spit of winning as the learners are driven by the spirit to win in any sport.
ΓΌ  Conclusion

Sports are one of the things in life that cuts across the confines of gender. Male and female all take part in sports and the law in all countries of the world stands against the discrimination to participate in sports because the value of sports is appreciated.
By Mary (2019)

Importance of Sports in Our Life – Essay 4.
·         Introduction
 A healthy nation is always a wealthy nation. Therefore, it is necessary to put emphasis on sports.
One can think of a healthy mind only in a healthy body. Both physical and mental well being are the prerequisites of great achievements in man’s life.
History shows that young men who excelled in the field in sports could prove their worth in the battlefield as valiant soldiers in later life and get the laurels of victory.

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Water flushes down the by-products of fat breakdown and thus helps one lose weight. Drinking water also reduces hunger as it makes you ...